Chimney stacks in the UK are at their most vulnerable when they're 150 years old. Wind, rain, ice and snow have been beating against them for over a century while lead flashing and mortar deteriorate from time to time resulting in leaks that could damage your home if not repaired sooner rather than later.
If you have a chimney in your home, it is important to keep an eye on the condition of the structure. Chimneys are vulnerable to many types of damage from Mother Nature and other sources; high winds can bring tall structures crashing down, lead flashing and mortar deteriorate over time resulting in leaks that can cause major damage inside your house or even make them dangerous for people who live there.
Fortunately repairs should be able to protect against future weather-related damages as well as structural stability problems that could result from not taking care
the sooner they're done
Chimney repairs can include
Standard benefits:
- Improved heating efficiency
- Reduced risk of fire
Emotional benefits:
- Keeps your home feeling like a home
Chimneys are one of those things that you probably don't give a lot of thought to these days. They're nostalgic, belonging to old properties. A traditional brick chimney evokes memories of Mary Poppins, blazing hearths and smog - at least among the more mature members of society. They come into their own at Christmas, when they suddenly become important. And they often have a negative image because of chimney fires.
If you look around any urban setting with houses built between the Victorian era and the 1950s, you'll see a skyline filled with chimneys. Many won't be in use, though you'll see the odd wisp of smoke.
Few new builds include a chimney stack as part of the design, as central heating has dominated our homes since the 1960s and 1970s. Hearths have been systematically boarded up, and even removed entirely to make more living space.
Does this mean that the traditional chimney is on its way out? Well, no, not really. Since the wood burning stove made a comeback in the early 2000s, more people have been making use of their existing chimney or having new ones incorporated into the architectural plans of new properties. They offer an extra dimension to a home, another point of interest, and a more efficient method of heating our homes.
It looks like they are here to stay! And whether they're old or new, it is essential to have them repaired.
The majority of chimney stacks in the UK are somewhere between 60 and 150 years old. Mother nature has been throwing everything she has at these structures all year round, with wind, rain, ice and snow. Few people will have ever ventured up onto their roof to check the condition of the chimney, and others have unfortunately left it too late to find out.
High winds often bring tall chimneys crashing down. Lead flashing and mortar deteriorate over time, resulting in leaks that can damage your home.
They all need repairing at some point, and it's better to get it done sooner rather than later.
What kind of services are we talking about? Chimney repair involves the following:
Old bricks can crumble, destabilising the structure and allowing rainwater into the property.
The chimney pot is the round ceramic tube (or tubes) on the top. These can crack or become dislodged over time.
When mortar fails, moisture can get into the chimney. During winter, this freezes, creating cracks that weaken the chimney stack.
Intact lead work is essential for making a waterproof seal between the brick and the roof tiles. This can become damaged, or stolen, which allows water to enter.
some chimney structures don't have a flue, which presents a risk in itself, but the chimney flue needs to be properly maintained and repaired to ensure that the lining is in good working condition. This is essential to your safety as it reduces the risk of a chimney fire.
These are traumatic and dangerous events. Regular servicing and repairs are absolutely essential to keep the flue in a safe working condition.
Ideally, chimney repairs should form part of an annual roof inspection and can be incorporated into any repairs to the roof and gutters. Chimney maintenance includes regular sweeping, even if you use smokeless fuels.
One of the first signs you need chimney repairs is that you notice debris falling into your fireplace. Other signs include the following:
All of these mean that you need specialist chimney repair services without delay.
Chimney Repair Cost
Chimney maintenance is vital. Not only to protect your property from damage but also to protect you.
Falling debris, or the collapse of the entire stack, can be devastating, causing further damage to property and potentially resulting in injury or death. A chimney fire, due to a build-up of dirt in the flue, can cause severe damage. Some insurance companies will no longer pay out for chimney fires. Regular inspections and chimney repairs will bring you the peace of mind you need.
Professional chimney repair services can help you to avoid all of this. We can send a fully qualified team to survey the site and deal with any necessary chimney repair work, including the flue lining, lead flashing, chimney repointing, and all forms of chimney maintenance. We will examine your existing chimney and assess any damage and will replace it if necessary.
The cost of chimney repairs will vary according to the amount of work that's required, as well as the materials needed. Each job is unique and individual, depending on the site location and ease of access.
For the best cost-effective chimney maintenance, chimney repairs and for all kinds of roofing services, call us for a free quote today.